Title: Pink Floyd "Momentary Lapse of Reason" Album Tribute t shirt
Description: Immerse yourself in the ethereal world of Pink Floyd with this captivating "Momentary Lapse of Reason" album tribute t shirt. This shirt is a testament to Pink Floyd's musical brilliance, capturing the essence of the iconic album with its mesmerizing artwork. Step into a realm of artistic expression that resonates with both fans and aficionados of classic rock.
Front Design: The front of the shirt showcases a vivid, full-color image that transports you to a surreal dreamscape. A flock of birds stretches endlessly into the horizon, symbolizing the boundless creativity of Pink Floyd's music. Above this captivating scene, the word "Pink" is elegantly displayed in pink lettering, while "Floyd" is positioned below, creating a harmonious balance of design and typography.
Back Design: Flipping to the back, you'll be greeted by the iconic Pink Floyd logo rendered in a striking shade of pink. This emblem pays homage to the band's legacy and their timeless influence on the world of music. Beneath the logo, the words "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" are elegantly scripted in matching pink hues, a nod to the album that has left an indelible mark on the hearts of fans worldwide.
Superior Craftsmanship: Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this faded black t shirt is designed to offer both style and comfort. The pre-shrunk and pre-faded fabric ensures a consistent fit, even after multiple washes. The enzyme wash treatment adds a touch of vintage character to the fabric, making each shirt a unique masterpiece. The BROCHUM tag serves as a mark of authenticity and quality.
- Stunning "Momentary Lapse of Reason" album tribute design
- Front: Infinite flock of birds with "Pink" and "Floyd" lettering
- Back: Pink Floyd logo and "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" text in pink
- Faded black fabric for a timeless appeal
- Pre-shrunk and pre-faded material for consistent fit
- Enzyme washed for vintage texture
- BROCHUM tag for authenticity
- 100% Cotton
Shipping: We offer worldwide shipping. Shipping costs will be calculated during checkout.
Note: The faded black color and unique design may slightly vary due to the enzyme wash process, ensuring each t shirt is a testament to Pink Floyd's artistic legacy. Embrace the spirit of "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" and wear this tribute t shirt proudly as a symbol of your connection to one of the greatest rock bands of all time.